Sentencepiece tokenizer#


In the rapidly evolving field of natural language processing (NLP), the efficiency and accuracy of language models hinge significantly on how text data is prepared and processed before training. At the heart of this preparation is the process of tokenization, a crucial step where raw text is transformed into a structured format that the models can interpret from. Among the variety of tokenization methods, the sentencepiece tokenizer stands out as a versatile tool that efficiently handles diverse languages without relying on predefined word boundaries.

Tokenization not only facilitates the understanding of language nuances by models but also plays a pivotal role in compressing textual inputs. This compression is essential, as it significantly reduces the dimensionality and complexity of the data, enabling quicker processing and more effective learning. SentencePiece, in particular employs a subword tokenization approach this is adept at managing vocabularies in a way that balances the granularity and the breadth of linguistic elements.

We will focus on the intricacies of tokenizers, with a focus on SentencePiece, exploring their indespensible role in the preprocessing of data for language models. We will discuss the general process of preprocessing, normalizing and post-processing involved in tokenization, shedding light on how these steps contribute to the robuest performance of language models.

Understanding Tokenizers#

Tokenizers are the first point of interaction with text data in any nlp system. They transform the raw text into tokens, which are smaller pieces that can be more easily digested by language models. These tokenizers are essentially the building blocks of text analysis and model training. There are several types of tokenizers, each suited to different tasks and languages. Let’s explore the main types and provide examples for each.


preprocessing is a critical initial step in the text handling pipeline, aimed at preparing and cleaning the text data before it undergoes tokenization and further analysis. The main goal of preprocessing is to standardize the text to reduce variability that is’nt relavent for the subsequent process or analyses. This step ensures that the input to the model is as clean and uniform as possible, improving the model’s ability to learn and make accurate predictions. Here are some key techniques typically employed during the preprocessing phase.

  1. Lowercasing: Converting all characters in the text to lowercase helps in standardizing the data. This means that words like House and house are treated the same preventing the model from treating them as different tokens unnecassarily.

  2. Removing special Characters and punctuation: Text often contains various punctuation marks and special characters, which may not be necassary for many NLP tasks. Removing these elements helps focus the model on the content of words rather than formatting.

  3. Expanding Contractions: In english and many other languages, contractions such as “Can’t”, “don’t”. and “it’s” are common. Expanding these to “cannot” “do not.” and “it is” helps maintain consistency in verb forms and reduces ambiguity in parsing the text.

  4. Removing stopwords: common words such as “and”, “is”, and “but” can be filtered out during preprocessing. These words are usually frequent and carry less meaningful content for many NLP tasks, such as sentiment analysis or topic modelling.

  5. Trimming spaces: Excess whitespaces, including spaces, tabs and new lines can be normalized by trimming them to a single space or removing them entirely, which helps in maintaining consistency in text format

The above text format are not specifically related to sentencepiece model but are some of the common techniques used for preprocessing.


Normalization deals with the way text is represented to ensure consistency. it is particularly important when dealing with different scripts or when the input data comes from various sources that might format text differently.

  1. Unicode Normalization: Converts text to a consistent unicode format, resolving issues like different character encodings for the same characters. Used by BPE, SentencePiece

  2. Stemming and lemmatization: reduces words to their base or root form, either through cutting off inflections (stemming) or by using lexical knowledge of the language (lemmatization).

Byte Pair Encoding (BPE)#

BPE is another popular subword tokenization method originally developed for data compression. BPE iteratively merges the most frequent pairs of bytes (or characters) in a dataset to form new tokens, which effectively reduces the vocabulary size and handles the rare words more efficiently.

  1. Vocabulary Independence: While both methods are effective at creating subword vocabularies, SentencePiece does not rely on pre-tokenized text, making it more flexible in handling raw text inputs. BPE typically starts with a base vocabulary of individual characters and builds up by merging frequent pairs.

  2. Handling of Rare Words: Both SentencePiece and BPE help mitigate the issue of rare words through the use of subword units. However, SentencePiece’s algorithm allows for more direct control over the tokenization granularity, which can be advantageous in balancing the vocabulary size against model performance.

  3. Ease of Use: SentencePiece provides an easy-to-use implementation that integrates seamlessly with major machine learning frameworks and supports direct text inputs. BPE often requires initial text processing and vocabulary building, which might add complexity to the pipeline.

  4. Performance in Multilingual Settings: SentencePiece is particularly well-suited for multilingual environments because it treats the text as a sequence of raw Unicode characters, which naturally accommodates multiple languages without bias towards any particular language’s syntax or morphology.


  • Initial Text


  • Count frequency of pairs

AB: 3 BA: 1 BC: 2 CA: 1 CD: 1

  • Most frequent pair


  • Replace ab with a new symbol say `x'

New text: XAXCXCD

  • Count the frequency of pairs in new text:

XA: 1 AX: 1 XC: 2 CX: 1 CD: 1

  • Most frequent pair:


  • Repeat the same process until the desired number of tokens is achieved

SentencePiece Tokenizer#

The SentencePiece tokenizer is a robust and flexible tool designed to efficiently manage the tokenization of text without the need for pre-defined word boundaries. This makes it particularly suitable for languages where whitespace is not a reliable delimiter. Unlike traditional tokenization methods that rely on whitespace and pre-defined vocabularies, SentencePiece treats the input text as a raw stream of Unicode characters and learns a vocabulary of subword units directly from this text.

  1. Language Agnosticism: SentencePiece is designed to be independent of the language being processed. It works effectively across various languages, including those that do not use spaces to separate words.

  2. Subword Tokenization: It utilizes subword units, which can effectively capture common prefixes, suffixes, and roots, reducing the out-of-vocabulary issue and preserving meaningful linguistic units.

  3. End-to-End Tokenization: SentencePiece handles both the tokenization and detokenization processes, ensuring that the original text can be perfectly reconstructed from the tokens.


  • Initial text

this is a simple example

  • segment the text into characters

t h i s _ i s _ a _ s i m p l e _ e x a m p l e

  • count the frequency of each character and pair of characters, then merge the most frequent pairs iteratively

  • assume the vocabulary learned contains

{’th’, ‘is’, ‘_’, ‘a’, ‘si’, ‘mple’, ’ex’, ‘amp’, ’le’}

  • Tokenize the text using learned vocabulary

Tokenized text: [th, is, _, is, _, a, _, si, mple, _, ex, amp, le]